How To

Follow along with The Crafty Elf Workshop to learn the basics of making a bow. 
This is just the beginning.  In the weeks and months to follow I will show you many different bows that you will be able to make to take your gift wrapping to the next level.  Do not get discouraged!!!  The first time I was shown how to make this bow, it wasn't pretty.  But after a few times following the basic steps, I did it!  Now, all my gifts have hand made bows and yours will too.  I will show you how to adjust the size of the bow for the size of the gift.  You will take your gift wrapping to a whole new level.  I will show you how to be proud of your wrapped gift.  With all the money and time spent on choosing the perfect gift, wrap it like you mean it.  When you watch the video notice my hands and wrists.  The movement is important to the tying of the bow.  Grab your ribbons and let's get started.

This is the bow you will learn to make

Curly Ribbon Bow

Follow the step by step instructions to make this curly ribbon bow.  This bow is an inexpensive bow, very easy to make and is great for adding to anything to give it a little something extra.

First, cut two pieces of ribbon approximately 12" long and set aside.  You can use one of each of the colours you have chosen to work with.   To begin, unravel your two colours of ribbon so you have about 2 yards free from the spool to start with.
 I like to keep the ribbon on the spool but loosening off a few yards first and running my fingers along the ribbon helps to eliminate the curl.  It just makes it easier to work with.  Start with about 5 inches of the ribbon as shown then make your first loop.

Make your first loop as shown and make it as large or small according to the size you need.  I have made my loops each about 3 1/2" long.

 Make your second loop as shown and make sure to keep the loops the same size on either side.  Continue to make loops so that there are between 15 to 20 loops on each side.
*Important* Make sure you have the same number of loops on each side.

 After you have made all your loops your bow
should look like this.  Hold the ribbon firmly as shown and now you are ready to secure.
Now take the 12" ribbons that you cut earlier and
place them over the bow as shown below.
Holding onto the ribbon move ribbon under your thumb but over the entire bow as shown.
Finding both ends of each end of the ribbon you have just placed over the bow,
 take them and pull together around bow and tie in a knot to secure.
 Your bow should now look like this.
Take all ends of ribbons, there should be 4 from the ends just tied and 4 from the start and end of the ribbon you made the bow with and begin to curl each end.
 Once you have curled each and all ends, take each piece of ribbon on either side of the centre knot and bend in the opposite direction.  This helps to make the bow stand up instead of lying flat.
Continue to do that with all pieces of ribbon on both sides of the bow.
 Pressing down on each ribbon is enough to make a fold in the ribbon and will help to make it have more dimension when done.
 Continue to press and fold as shown.
 When all the folding is done take the all the ends that have been curled and place half of them above and half of them below the bow at the centre of the bow. 
 Your bow is now complete.  Isn't it just lovely?  It makes a great bow for any gift!!
To add it to the container that I have chosen, I took one pink curled ribbon and one cream curled ribbon and tied it around the top of the stem.

 Tie a knot to secure as shown.  I will use a piece of scotch tape or glue dot to hold it in place so the bow doesn't slide.  If you are attaching to a gift you may tape the two pieces to the gift or tie them to the ribbon that is tied around the gift.
Here is the finished look.  This bow is great if you are looking for a lighter weight bow or wish to add
just a little something to a gift or container.  Have fun with the bow it's great on just about anything.
Thank you for looking!

Ribbon Bow

Follow the step by step instructions below to learn how to make a ribbon bow.  This is a very classy bow and may be used on numerous items to add that extra touch.

Begin by cutting two pieces of ribbon.  One 9 inches and
one 2 1/2 inches  ( I have used 1 inch wide ribbon to make
this bow)

Turn ribbon over to the wrong side and place glue dots
at each end of both pieces of ribbon as shown above. 

Your ribbons should now look like this

Fold one end over so the folded piece measures 2 3/4 inches.
*Important* Line up sides of ribbon so they are exact.
Press to secure

Fold the other side over to 3/4 of an inch from the end. 
*Important* Line up sides of ribbon so they are exact. 
Press down to secure.
Your  ribbon bow should now look like this and the right side
of the ribbon is facing out.

Turn ribbon bow over so you are now looking at the top of
the bow.

Gently press down at centre of ribbon bow.  This is your

Now that the centre is marked, have small piece of ribbon

Pick up ribbon bow at centre and hold between thumb and
first finger.  *Important* Bottom of bow should be facing up.
You will know it's the bottom of the ribbon bow if you see the end
of the ribbon, only one side has the end showing on the outside. 

Place small piece of ribbon with glue dot on the ribbon bow
 as shown above making sure it is placed at centre.

Your ribbon bow should now look like this.

Holding ribbon bow - turn ribbon bow over

You should now have the right side of the ribbon bow
facing up and you should see the small piece of
ribbon with the glue dot.

This is what you should see if you are holding
the ribbon bow in the right hand.

Fold the remaining piece of ribbon over. *Important* Make
sure the sides of the ribbon are lined up exactly.  Also, when
wrapping the last piece over it should be snug but not
tight.  You don't want the ribbon bow to bend.
Press to secure.

This is what it should look like.  Both ends of the ribbons
are now on the bottom.  This is exactly what you want.
Turn over!

Congratulations you have now made a ribbon bow.


This is a very versatile votive candle that may be used to add a beautiful touch to your table.  Whether it's for a Bridal shower, Christening, Wine and Cheese party or any gathering, these votives will definitely set the mood. 

Follow along with the step by step instructions and you will be setting your table in style!


Cut 3 pieces of ribbon 9" long

Fold each ribbon so that the inside of the one
 end and the outside of the other end are together
and even at the bottom

Staple as above

The three pieces should look like this.  Notice the last
ribbon has the right side over the left.  Fold all ribbons the same
to keep the look of the loops consistent

Place ends of all three loops together and form a triangle. 
Make sureall loops are facing up - staple in middle at thumb.

Flip over and bottom should look like this

For this votive I used 11 1/2 feet of ribbon.  
This may vary depending
on the size of the votive used.  Keep ribbon on
spool while making the loops to ensure correct length needed. 

Start with approximately 5" as shown and then
make your first loop as follows

Continue to make loops back and forth as shown
in the next two pictures.

This is what it should start to look like.

 There should be 8 loops on each side (of your thumb)
 when done.  Finish off with another 5 " piece of ribbon. 
 It will be facing the opposite direction as the first 5" piece
of ribbon you started with.

Once all the loops are completed your ribbon
should look like this.  For the next step hold the
ribbon as shown in the picture.

This is what it should look like from the side

Take a piercing tool and poke through all layers of ribbon
to make hole for the brad.  A flat brad as shown below is best
to ensure that the votive sits flat

This is the style of brad I used.  Note - the top
of the brad is flat.

Place brad through hole made by piercing tool

Turn ribbon over and secure brad by spreading prongs

Brad is now secure

In this picture you will notice I have slowly started
to fan the loops out.  To fan, use both hands and fan out
loops at brad

Continue to fan

You will see the loops starting to form the desired look

The entire loop will fan easily if you fan close to brad

Desired look achieved

Votive fits nicely and looks great.  Place your votive on the ribbon.
If you are happy with the look, then continue.  If not, continue to
move loops around until you are satisfied.  If necessary, you may
 need to fold all loops back together and begin again.

Place stapled ribbons face down on flat surface

Place ribbon flower on top of stapled ribbon loops

Place desire votive holder on top

There you have it.  Should you wish to add tag, follow below.

Remove votive from ribbon flower.

Carefully place ribbon of tag down between loops as

Begin by laying ribbon over top of ribbon flower
as above across middle of flower
 laying ends of ribbon over top
of loops on opposite side

Place votive on top of the tag ribbon in centre of
ribbon flower

Your finished Versatile Votive

There are many different options for this Versatile Votive

I removed the bottom 3 looped ribbon and added
a gingham ribbon flower under votive.  A new

Change the look by changing the ribbons

Remove the tag and you have another look

Cut 6" loops of any desired ribbon and
staple ends together

I used 5 in the next picture

I carefully placed each stapled loop into ribbon flower making 
sure they were secure and wouldn't come out.  Place stapled ends
deep into ribbon flower. 

I removed all additional ribbons and used only the original
ribbon flower and replaced the first votive with a square votive
holder.  Now we have another look to our Versatile Votive

I think this is stunning!

In this picture I used a large votive approximately 5"
and used paper ribbon for the flower.  Again, we
have a new look.

This really makes a statement being larger

This bow has larger loops then the original ribbon flower
and this is where you will have to adjust the length of
the ribbon to fit the size of the votive used.  Limitless!

Here are the three votives used but as you can
see the different looks just by changing up the
different elements used.  Now it's your
turn to make a statement on your tables.

Thank you for visiting my "How To" page.


I want to show you a fantastic bow that you can make your own.
 Follow along with the step by step
instructions and change the bow to suit your needs. 


Here are just some of the finished bows
Aren't they fabulous? lets get started

Cut 4 pieces of ribbon as follows
  • 1 at 4"
  • 2 at 9"
  • 1 at 11"

Take the 4 inch piece of ribbon and turn over so the
wrong side is facing up.  Add a glue dot at one end as

Roll the ribbon up as shown making sure the right
side of the ribbon is facing outwards.  Notice that
the ends line up opposite each other? 
This is critical.  The inside edge
should be at 12 o'clock and the outside edge at
6 o'clock.  Set aside.

Take one of the 9 inch ribbons, flip over so the wrong
side is facing up and add glue dots to both ends as

Roll up as shown with right side of ribbon facing out.
Match glue dots up.  Make sure that the edges of the
ribbon lines up perfectly.

Press ribbon together at glue dot making sure
your edgesof the ribbon are
perfectly lined up.  Notice the glue dot
now facing up on the inside of the ribbon?

Press the top middle of the ribbon down as shown
above and set aside.

Take the 11 inch piece of ribbon and flip over so
wrong side is facing up.  Once again add glue dots
to both ends.

Match up glue dots and make sure that the right side
of the ribbon is facing out.  Make sure sides are perfectly
lined up.

You will now see the glue dot on the inside of the

Once again, press down at the middle of the ribbon
as shown making sure to line up edges perfectly.

Collect all pieces of bow as shown above.  Place glue
dots in the centre of each of the two larger bow
pieces as shown.

Place the smaller double looped bow piece
on top of the larger double bow piece as
shown above.  Making sure to line up edges

Add the single loop on top of the other
two bow pieces as shown making sure
of two things.  One, the edges are
perfectly lined up and two, the
the inside edge of the single loop
is at the inside top so you don't
see it.

So now this is what you have remaining.
Looking good so far isn't it?

Take one end of the remaining 9 inch piece
of ribbon and cut a "V" into the end as

This is what it should look like. 
Do the exact same to the other end.

So here is what you should have now.  Place a glue dot
on the middle of the 9 inch piece of ribbon and secure

Here is your finished bow.  Isn't it just beautiful?
I'd also like to show you some other things
that you can do with that remaining piece of
9 inch ribbon (we added last) to give your
 bow another look.  Use whichever bow suits
your needs.  There is so many
different ways to change it up so let's have
a look.

Now, isn't this bow adorable too?  Wait.....there's
more!  Take the very first bow with ribbon that
was shown.  See first picture below.

Begin to move the right tab around to the left as
shown making sure the right side of the ribbon is
facing up

When you get to here you will need to add a glue
dot as shown in this picture.  It is beside
my thumb nail on the ribbon

Press down firmly to secure and press
the ribbon on both sides to
flatten as shown below

 Press down on the inside of the centre loop as shown
as well to make sure the bow is as flat as possible. 
The tab on the left (I just showed you how to
move the right tab to the left) can be moved over to the right
side so either way is possible.  Which ever look you going for.

So are three possibilities with one bow. 
Change up the bottom ribbon and you have a different
looking bow every time. 

Thank you for looking!